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Asian Glossy Starling

Aplonis panayensis


Asian Glossy Starlings eat mainly soft fruits (papaya, banana, mangos) and berries, and sometimes insects. They are particularly fond of figs. Slim bodied birds with narrow wings, they fly rapidly and may travel long distances to fruiting trees. They forage high in the tree tops and only occasionally land on the ground, usually to eat fallen fruit. On the ground, they walk rather than hop, and do so awkwardly.


Common and gregarious in the lowlands from second growth to downtown in cities.

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KdonGalay 11 years ago

Thanks ShannaB

ShannaB 11 years ago

Great shot!!

KdonGalay 13 years ago

thanks victoria.vikspics

victoria.vikspics 13 years ago

Great photo, that eye is piercing!

KdonGalay 13 years ago

dont really know the significance of its eye coloration but somehow plenty of birds do have red eyes, thanks S Frazier!

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 13 years ago

What an eye!

Spotted by


Spotted on Oct 1, 2011
Submitted on Nov 1, 2011

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