A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Lagidium peruanum
Large rodent!
Andes Mountains of Peru, Machu Picchu
We saw this guy in an area that was transited by many tourists. I think he was sunning himself and warming up. We were able to get quite close. He wasn't perturbed by my 2 year old and 6 year old girls playing nearby.
36 Comments (1–25)
I agree!
so cute!
Thanks Mayra!
this guy actually lives inside the Machu Picchu compound. He sees a lot of people. However, he did have his limit and once he warmed up he disappeared. @Apple this creature is enormous compared to the chinchilla. I bet he weighs nearly ten pounds.
Nice capture! I am in awe that he was unaffected by humans.
What a curious little guy! :)
@K.c. Truax: I was kinda of thinking rabbit body and kangaroo face...LOL
Per the wiki reference he is most closely related to a chinchilla..how cool!
This is a completely new animal for me, have never heard of one. Very cool spot and very cool share!
OMG it has a kinda rabbit face and kangaroo body,is really cute :)
I agree Meik. Awesome animal!
Congrats, nice spotting! I never heard of this animal before! He's got a funny look on his face, part sleepy, part suspicious, very nice!
Thanks so much to all of you. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to share my love for nature with all of you in this format. Thanks Project Noah!!!!!
Beautiful shot!
Congratulations IgCostaNut! Ages ago I was wondering whether there were any marmots in the Andes... the answer was no, but I found out about the mountain viscacha! I was not lucky enough to spot one though...
Cute animal, heartiest congratulations.
So cute..congrats.
looks half sleepy!
Congratulations lgCostaNut
Congratulations grate photos
en el norte de Chile también tenemos viscachas, en la cordillera.
hermosa foto, gracias por compartirla
Lovely creature -- lovey photo.