A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Harmonia Axydiris
Yellow and black/ gray insect. Unknown name.
I've also spotted a blue and gray one but was not able to take a picture of it.
That's great! Its great to have all this knowledgeable feedback. I'll definitely look into the website and borrowing a book too. There is a lake behind our house and my kids are constantly spotting different kinds of insects. My son grew a little frustrated the other day because once again I didn't know the name of an insect... I definitely need to get my hands in one of those books! Thanks again!!
As Ava said, I'm studying bugs, so that experience has helped me a lot with identification. I still have a long way to go, but I'm getting pretty good at recognizing a lot of species now. There are many books out there you can use, I would suggest borrowing a few from your local library before buying any, just to get used to them and see what you like. For insects, the website BugGuide is one of the best resources for North American insects. You'll find pictures of species there that you can't find anywhere else.
Jennifer, many people on PN are experts in one sort of organism or another, which is great for the rest of us because we can learn from them. For example, Latimeria, who identified your bug, is a biology student interested in bugs. I'm a very amateur birder so I can ID some birds because I know them, but I also have bird identification books on my desk and I look them up. It's great because I've learned so much from investigating other people's spottings. There are identification books for whatever you are interested in; birds, bugs, trees, plants, fungi, etc.
Thank you! This is one special app. I am obviously an amateur and was wondering, how are you able to categorize/name a spotting so fast? Is it the experience, are most of the members in the science field, or are there books that can refer to? Thanks again!!
Welcome to Project Noah. How great to be introducing your little one to the natural world through this.
I knew it looked like some type of larva... Thank you! Im doing this with my 3yr. old and he's super excited. This is our first spotting :)
It's an Asian lady beetle, as best as I can tell. The larval form, it looks like it's about to enter its pupa.