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UmapornSarasat 13 years ago

@ ArgyBee
thank for your information.. :)

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 13 years ago

Phormium - the tips are convincing - the centre is quite densely packed but maybe that's because it's in tropical Thailand

AnjaliAnantharam 13 years ago

Nice frame..

UmapornSarasat 13 years ago

@ Leuba.
When it get older the tree bigger in dark brown color whice you can see the ring leaves when the leaves is can be very tall 2-3 M. or more.
I will taking more pics when I see the seed as well..ok?

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 13 years ago

Looks like Phormium ( New Zealand Flax) - the leaf tips look very like the plant we have here -but the centre is very organised.

craigwilliams 13 years ago

At Kew there are low growing Pandanus species with fine leaves like this. That's what it reminded me of, not the tree sized ones! Just a guess based on that.
Have you ever seen it flower and is it growing wild or cultivated in a garden?

UmapornSarasat 13 years ago

@ craigwilliams
Nope..that is not a Pandanus is much bigger and taller a lot and grow where is dry like mountain with lime stone.

craigwilliams 13 years ago

Some kind of Pandanus maybe?

UmapornSarasat 13 years ago

smooth, waxy, flexible leaves and grow leaves from the ground when it still young getting older some of old leaves are fall and can see the tree as well.

janeen 13 years ago

Does it have smooth, waxy, flexible leaves or dry, leathery, spiked leaves? Does it grow leaves from the ground or a tree-like trunk? If it is the second answer to both questions; it could be a Yucca

Spotted by

Surat Thani, Thailand

Spotted on Oct 6, 2011
Submitted on Dec 1, 2011

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