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Acorn Woodpecker

Melanerpes formicivorus


There were so many of these birds in my friends garden at the end of the Valley of the Quetzals, San Gerardo do Dota. The Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) is a medium-sized woodpecker, 21 cm long with an average weight of 85 g.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Acorn Woodpecker
Melanerpes formicivorus

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pamsai 10 years ago

thanks John and Ashley...

AshleyT 10 years ago

I've moved it to birds.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 10 years ago

lovely pictures!

pamsai 10 years ago

Thanks Joshua, Lauren and Jemma. Guess there are lots of these woodpeckers all over, at least where there are oak trees!

LaurenZarate 10 years ago

I just saw some today in Comitan, Chiapas, Mexico! Also lots of Oak.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 10 years ago

Pamsai,these are so abundant in our oak habitats. There is no missing them!

JoshuaGSmith 10 years ago

cool, they are so noisy!

pamsai 10 years ago

haven't seen them in California Joshua, but there were really a lot in the area of Costa Rica where I spotted these ones! Thanks for your comment...

JoshuaGSmith 10 years ago

btw great photo!

JoshuaGSmith 10 years ago

So funny to have seen one in Costa Rica, because I see em all the time in Calffornia!

pamsai 10 years ago

thanks Anne Marie. Golly, I did know that! I looked it up when I saw it there, and had completely forgotten. i saw them stashing their acorns...

Anne Marie McCaffrey
Anne Marie McCaffrey 10 years ago

This is an acorn woodpecker, Pam. Lovely series of photos - San Gerardo is the most amazing place for birding!

Maria dB
Maria dB 10 years ago

Lovely series

Spotted by

Cartago, Costa Rica

Spotted on Oct 16, 2013
Submitted on Nov 17, 2013

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