"The Green-headed Tanager is an extravagantly multicolored tropical bird. It may be hard to believe but its flashy plumage is good camouflage among the lush rainforest canopy."
If I was you, I'd change the pictures, #1 for # 2, wich gives a better view of the bird. Congratulations for the spot, it is a beautiful bird. / Se eu fosse você, eu trocaria as fotos, pois a segunda dá uma visão melhor do pássaro. Parabéns pela foto, é um pássaro lindo.
Very amazing colour combination...!!
Such Lovely colors!
Wonderful spotting and photos. What a beautiful bird :)
Thanku Asergio , i understand lillte bit portugues :) ... !jejejej
Parabéns, Saber (eu disse que era melhor mudar... hehehe!)
@ peter : thanks so much for the links ,i didnt know thats exists :)
thanks everybody :) !
Fantastic pictures... Congratulations!
very nice
Nice spotting, Congratulations.
Congrats Saber on Spotting of the Day!
"The Green-headed Tanager is an extravagantly multicolored tropical bird. It may be hard to believe but its flashy plumage is good camouflage among the lush rainforest canopy."
Facebook: http://facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151...
Twitter: http://twitter.com/projectnoah/status/16...
Thank u ! ;)
Yes, Saber, this picture is the better one (I think...). / Sim, Saber, esta foto é a melhor (eu acho...)
Like this Asergio ? :) !
If I was you, I'd change the pictures, #1 for # 2, wich gives a better view of the bird. Congratulations for the spot, it is a beautiful bird. / Se eu fosse você, eu trocaria as fotos, pois a segunda dá uma visão melhor do pássaro. Parabéns pela foto, é um pássaro lindo.