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Calycopis cf.origo or isobeon


Small gray butterfly with orange markings on the wings and frilly "tails" on the ends of them.


Was found feeding on basil flowers.


Higher resolution image can be seen here,

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 10 years ago
Calycopis sp. Calycopis

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SG in CR
SG in CR 10 years ago

I didn't know one was more common than the other. I thought the images I seen of C. origo looked like a closer match than C. isobeon because most C. isobeon seem to have a pronounced second black spot above the black and white patterned area on the wing, this one doesn't. But I'll add both.

bayucca 10 years ago

Why not Calycopis cf. isobeon? It is much more common than Calycopis origo. But it would be nice if you can add both candidate in the description section or tag them.

SG in CR
SG in CR 10 years ago

Sorry, I just seen the comment after I posted. So I guess we're in agreement.

SG in CR
SG in CR 10 years ago

Thanks Bayucca, I was looking for a match in the genus Strymon becuase I thought it resembled Strymon melinus. But now that I was looking under Calycopis I'm pretty sure your right. It looks like it might be C. isobeon or C. origo. It seems like there are a bunch of nearly identical looking species in that genus. So I'm going to list it as Calycopis cf. origo.

bayucca 10 years ago

Calycopis sp., either Calycopis isobeon or Calycopis origo.
Actually identical...

Dilan Chathuranga
Dilan Chathuranga 10 years ago

Great shot!!

SG in CR
Spotted by
SG in CR

Alajuela, Costa Rica

Spotted on Sep 2, 2014
Submitted on Sep 15, 2014

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