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Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae


This is my current work project, The plant is Kiwifruit and I am working on a method of killing the bacteria. The first pic shows the bug, the red spot. The second pic shows the bug manifesting itself in the leaves. Third pic the red spot is the bug. The infected vine begining to droop already. The orchard showing some of the vines that have been taken out. I have not been back to this orchard but am curious to know just how much of it is left.


Te Puke has the ideal climate for the Bacterium, humid and warm, with a mono crop just asking to be infected. Have sorted the bug out just working on the delivery system. This is where I had the most problems, trying to convince people that what they are doing is not working so give it up.

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Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

Spotted on Sep 29, 2011
Submitted on Dec 13, 2011

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