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Lepiota rubrotincta
Cap 3-8cm across, ovoid with a flattened top, becoming convex then flat or broadly umbonate or with an uplifted margin; background whitish, center deep red to chestnut; surface dry, smooth and pinkish brown all over, then breaking into flat, minutely hairy scales varying in color from cinnamon buff to coral pink, reddish, or reddish orange, margin paler. Gills free, close, narrow; white. Stem 40-160x4-10mm, stuffed becoming hollow, club-shaped at base, which often extends quite deeply into the soil; white, discoloring a little in age; smooth to milky. Veil white, membranous partial veil leaves a persistent hanging ring on the upper stem. Flesh thick; white. Spores ellipsoid, smooth, dextrinoid, 6-10 x 4-6µ. Deposit white.
Singly, scattered, or in small groups in the ground or in soil, compost, leaf litter, and humus in deciduous woods. Sometimes common. Found widely distributed throughout North America. Season July-November. Not edible -avoid.
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