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Golden Waxy Cap

Hygrocybe flavescens


I never got the smell of the mushroom but the cap wasn’t slimy, it was dry. It had an orange cap and stalk, the gills were attached and the cap was circular. The fungi was 4 cm tall and the cap was 2-3 cm width.


We found it on the edge of the woods. There was pine and oak trees around and it was in a bundle of 3 mushrooms.


12.16.11 Mushroom Field Notes It was November 2nd, my class was out side, we got our feet freezing because of snow filling our shoes and got sticks poking in our face, finally after looking for five minutes we had found a mushroom! We found it on the edge of the woods. There was pine and oak trees around and it was in a bundle of 3 mushrooms. I never got the smell of the mushroom but the cap wasn’t slimy, it was dry. It had an orange cap and stalk, the gills were attached and the cap was circular. The fungi was 4 cm tall and the cap was 2-3 cm long. I believe that the mushroom is a gill fungi. The Kingdom is Fungi Division is Basidiomycota Class is Agaricomycetes Order is Argaicales Family is Strophariceae Genus is Hypholoma Species is H. Fasciculare. I narrowed the fungi group down and I think that it is a Golden Waxy Cap. They have all the same characteristics ( orange cap and stalk, the gills were attached and the cap was circular, the fungi is 4 cm tall and the cap is 2-3 cm long). They are found in East North America to Michigan, Texas and The West Coast.

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mmsbiodiversity60 12 years ago

This mushroom looks like my mushroom. But I concluded that the mushroom is cup fungi. And you do have good field notes. Sometimes though the sentence runs on and on..........

mmsbiodiversity78 12 years ago

next time explane what type of soil is near your mushroom

mmsbiodiversity95 12 years ago

nice job looks like my mushroom, pictures are a little blurry though..

mmsbiodiversity99 12 years ago

You overdid the fierd notes there were to meny werds

mmsbiodiversity94 12 years ago

Nice thinking by putting the ruler near it to measure.

Spotted by


Spotted on Nov 2, 2011
Submitted on Dec 20, 2011

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