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Earth Star



Looks like this cap was opening, possibly because of recent rain. Never seen a mushroom like this before or since. Spongy flesh, about 4 inches across.


Managed Douglas-fir forest.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Earth Star
Geaster sp.

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1 Comment

Ivan Rodriguez
Ivan Rodriguez 12 years ago

Yes indeed -- an earthstar mushroom. Unlike most other mushrooms, the spores that are released to create more mushrooms elsewhere are released via the air and other natural methods (i.e. animal eating it and then waste being produced elsewhere, where the spores eventually produce more fungi). This occurs through a cotton-ball like gleba, the inside of the earthstar, and a pore usually is created on the top of the mushroom to let them out into the open.

Spotted by

Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Spotted on Sep 22, 2004
Submitted on Jan 2, 2012

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