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could it be a Parabuteo unicinctus? Thanks!
www.robertobianconi.net If you want sign my guestbook!
Aquila nipalensis seems like a good match, but is out of range at the indicated location... Roberto, to further this discussion it would be useful if you could indicate whether this bird was captive or not. Thanks!
surely the extension of the gape to level with the back of the eye rules out the Golden eagle. What about Aquila nipalensis - Steppe Eagle?
The reddish chin and pale brown coloration eliminate Golden Eagle. In my opinion, this bird resembles a Booted Eagle (Aquila pennata) more than anything. Nice shot!
Buongiorno Roberto! Stunning portrait! I agree with KarenL that this isn't Parabuteo unicinctus (also the location would be wrong unless the animal is captive). Do you have a full body shot or a shot of the bird in flight?
The head shape & color suggest a golden eagle but this is a much larger bird than the Harris hawk. I believe the range fits though.
No I'm sorry.. In that day I have shotted lots of photo of different birds..
Beautiful portrait!
The nostril looks wrong for Parabuteo unicinctus - maybe a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)?