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Coleotichus sp.
Second and third instars of red bugs spotted last week (pic#2) One individual is totally red (poss newly emerged?) Suspected eggs for this insect.
Communally on silver wattle.
Finally ID'd this by finding a hawaiian cousin Coleotichus blackburniae with pics of nymphs http://hear.smugmug.com/Photographers/HL... Now this link http://www.brisbaneinsects.com/brisbane_... seems the correct ID=) Phew that was tough! Pic #6 was found nearby but weeks earlier
Thanks Mayra. I was surprised to see these so far south and would be delighted to see them again next summer.
I watched these grow from hatchlings to green shield backed beetles over many weeks. Suddenly the adults all flew away.
Frutos de insectos excelente
Wow,would love to wear these jewels in my braid!
Yay! Finally found the ID. It is a green Jewel bug from a red and blue nymph!
Nice pictures Martinl!
New theory - http://hear.smugmug.com/Photographers/HL... from Hawaii makes this a Coleotichus species (Hawaii has C. blackburniae but Aussie has C. artensis, C. costatus or C. excellens. These are gonna turn out green!
Thanks for your comments.
suspect cotton harlequin http://www.whatsthatbug.com/2008/01/25/i... http://lifeunseen.com/index2_item_2970.p...
cool bugs martinl
Really Nice!
vibrant colors!
Excellent martin. Keep 'em coming.
Nice colors, Beautiful bug,