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Cardboard Palm

Zamia furfuracea

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Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 12 years ago

Thanks Ryan!

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 12 years ago

Thanks mate! Excellent. You could edit and copy this into the notes.
You must have some great stuff to shoot around that part of the world.
I was blown away to find 'wild' kangaroos on Oahu.

Ryanatthebeach 12 years ago

This palm stands about 5 feet high and is about 8 feet in diameter. It is also called a cardboard fern, as it looks more like a fern than a palm. This is located on my sister's property which is located in the Puna district of the island of Hawai'i.(a few hour drive for me) It's beautiful, but has no special meaning to me.

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 12 years ago

Cool shot Ryan! It would be great if you add a photo of the whole plant for a better appreciation :)

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 12 years ago

needs some story ryan - does this mean something special to you? is this near your home? even how big is it? what does the rest of the plant look like?

Spotted by

Hawaii, USA

Spotted on Jan 22, 2012
Submitted on Jan 23, 2012

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