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Rana clamitans
The Green frog resembles the Mink frog and it can be difficult to distinguish the two species. Usually adults are green above, with a variable number of darker spots (some individuals may have no spots).The hind legs are always crossbanded and there is a fold along each side of the back. Males have yellow throats. Adults can grow to 100 mm in head-body length. Tadpoles are mottled above with a white opaque belly, and can be up to 80 mm in total length.
Adults are seldom found far from water. This species requires permanent water bodies which do not dry up, since the tadpoles spend at least one winter in the water before transforming. Juveniles may disperse overland.
I found him on a private lake near Mud Lake, although these frogs are very common across Southern Ontario. *Info above copied from The Royal Ontario Museum's Biodiversity field guides
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