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Goldfinch; Jilguero

Carduelis carduelis


Reeds by river mouth

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We've given up with feeders here, the birds never use them, but we get masses coming to our neighbours weed-filled almond grove outside my window. Every day it is full of all kinds of wintering birds. They also come to our fish pond to drink but disappear when we appear - the locals are always shooting or trapping birds and cannot be stopped. Only Collared Doves, Black Redstarts and Barn Swallows appear to be unafraid of us. Even the Robins fly away.

KarenL 12 years ago

Lovely! I used to get flocks of these guy at my feeders in England - they love nyjer seed!


ThePinappleMan 12 years ago

Nice shot cool bird!

Thank you

MaryEvans2 12 years ago

Beautiful bird

Torrox, Andalucía, Spain

Spotted on Dec 15, 2011
Submitted on Jan 12, 2012

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