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Young black howler monkey, not sure of species
Mantled howler monkeys are large, fairly stocky monkeys that are totally black in colour with the exception of a fringe of long golden hairs on the flanks . The tail is prehensile and has a naked patch on the underside towards the tip to aid in grasping . The face is naked but features a beard that is longer in males than in females. When males reach maturity, the scrotum turns white. Newborns are golden brown to silvery in colour and weigh 0.4 kg. A range of vocalisations are produced, including barks, grunts, and woofs. The howls characteristic of this group of monkeys, and which earn this species its common name, are produced at dawn and dusk, as well as in response to disturbance.
There are only 4 monkeys in Costa Rica: Alouatta palliata, your Mantled Howler Monkey; Ateles geoffroyi, Central American Spider Monkey; Cebus capucinus, White-throated Capuchin Monkey and Saimiri oerstedii, Central American Squirrel Monkey. There are 2 others which you see sometimes on lists of monkeys, but it is very doubtful that they are living in Costa Rica.