A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Brightly colored -Blue -White -Black -Gray
Indoor habitated creatures
These little creatures make great house pets and if you spend enough time with them they are capable of picking up you voice; they start mimicking you. -- Males are more capable of talking as compared to their Female counterpart. • Males have a Smooth Blue Cere • Females have a Flakey/Crusty Brownish Cere My Budgies name is Guinevere.
thanks...so all is good!
Well the fact that he is willing to give you a greeting means he sees you as a friend, so that's great!
the only thing is that he will never comes to me at all but he will sing with me and greet me when I pass by his cage.
i agree with you. he loves his cage, I filled it with lots of toys and he amuses himself all day!
@Susan--great story. You probably saved its life by giving it a cage to go back to...they really cannot survive in the wild over here.
awww...I have one blue as well...my hubby named him goofy...one thing is strange about this bird is that he eat his food and then he regurgitate and put it somewhere safe and comes back for it later. He came to the feeder from somewhere (escaped most probably) and I left a cage out in the backyard with birdseends and he never came out of it again even when I left the cage open outside.
Beautiful little guy...looks alot like the one I had as a kid. You should add it to the Captive Animals mission at: http://www.projectnoah.org/missions/7973...