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Gray Tree Frog

Hyla versicolor


Colors can vary from gray to green because of their amazing ability to camouflage - they can slowly change color from black to nearly white. The amount of mottling is variable. This frog was approximately an inch long.


Spotted hopping around under a picnic table in the mulch at a playground in a semi-rural neighborhood. There was a swampy area less than 50 feet away from the playground and lots of deciduous trees.

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Christine Y.
Christine Y. 8 years ago

Thanks Rob, I was thinking that as well; but, I'm not sure because it could be Hyla chrysoscelis as well and I can't seem to tell the difference...

Rob Bys
Rob Bys 8 years ago

Looks like a Gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor)

Christine Y.
Spotted by
Christine Y.

Connecticut, USA

Spotted on Sep 18, 2014
Submitted on Jul 5, 2016

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