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Aeoliscus strigatus


Also known as Coral Razorfish, Longspined Razorfish, Jointed Razorfish, Striped Shrimpfish, Coral Shrimpfish and Snipefish. Their color can vary to match surroundings.They feed on crustaceans and zooplankton, and grow to about 15cm in length. Shrimpfish swim in groups with head down swimming in a synchronised fashion (when one turns they all turn), often sheltering in rich coral patches.


Found in groups (sometimes small, sometimes large) hovering among fan and whip coral or above sea grass beds. Found at depths of 5 to 50m, across the Indo-Pacific region.


The photos of the razorfish were shot at about 40 feet depth, and the video was of a different group at 20 feet or so.

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Blogie 12 years ago

Yup, truly unique! I wish I could see it again, because that time I didn't have an underwater camera yet...

Hans.New 12 years ago

must be very unique to see that in real. Enviable somehow

Blogie 12 years ago

Sorry Hans, the joke escapes me... :D

Actually, these fish are fairly common around here. One time, during a night dive, we saw a huge column of razorfish -- must've been hundreds of them! When we shone our lights on the column, they dispersed into smaller groups, trying to hide from the lights. It was fascinating!

Hans.New 12 years ago

so it´s double luck for you tospot them? ;-) little joke, great job

Blogie 12 years ago

They are vertical most of the time, with their heads down. They only swim horizontally when they're trying to get away from predators (or pesky divers haha!).

Hans.New 12 years ago

This vertical position looks very strange. Really fascinating.

Blogie 12 years ago

Hi Marta. I had a lucky shot, I guess. :)

The MnMs
The MnMs 12 years ago

Very nice! I love the video. These guys are always to so difficult to photograph..they go away so fast! :-)

Spotted by

Davao Del Norte, Philippines

Spotted on Jan 30, 2012
Submitted on Feb 1, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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