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Snowy Owl (Female)

Bubo scandiaca


The snowy owl can be easily distinguished from other owls just by looking at its white plumage which is a very good camouflage in snow-filled places. Males and females are slightly different. Males have sparse dark spots or bars on their plumage, where as females are variably marked with those bars. Legs and toes have thick feathers, and its beak is nearly concealed by its long facial feathers.


Open tundra, coastal fields, open moorland, and lowland salt or freshwater meadows In winter,this species also inhabit marshes, dunes, fields, sea and lake shores. Settled areas.

2 Species ID Suggestions

Snowy Owl
Bubo scandiacus Snowy Owl
KarenL 12 years ago
Snowy owl
Bubo scandiacus Snowy Owl

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1 Comment

YorkieSutaryo 12 years ago

Thanks guys! :D

Spotted by

日野市 (Hino), 関東 (Kanto Region), Japan

Spotted on Jan 31, 2012
Submitted on Feb 4, 2012

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