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1 Species ID Suggestions

Liam 12 years ago
Ural Owl
Strix uralensis Ural Owl

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RenaXemu 11 years ago

A year after the original comment, but just wanted to say that I've seen the beak vary in color from very pigmented orange-yellow to very pale yellow/almost white. I've noticed it in Great Gray Owls as well.

YorkieSutaryo 12 years ago

Thanks for the ID Liam. I'm doubtful about one thing though: its beak (bill?) is not orange-yellow in color. According to your reference, Ural Owl has an orange-yellow beak (bill?).

Spotted by

日野市 (Hino), Japan

Spotted on Jan 31, 2012
Submitted on Feb 4, 2012

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