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Hornet mimic hoverfly

Volucella zonaria


Volucella zonaria, the hornet mimic hoverfly, is a European species of hoverfly


In Great Britain, it was only known from two specimens prior to 1940, so was regarded as rare. Since then, it has become increasingly widespread in many parts of the South and South East England, often in association with parks and gardens, where adults are usually seen visiting flowers. Elsewhere in England, only a few scattered records exist.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Jopy 10 years ago
Hornet mimic hoverfly
Volucella zonaria Volucella zonaria

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Jopy 10 years ago

Nema na čemu :)

Lavi 10 years ago

Hvala Jopy!

Spotted by

Zagreb, Croatia

Spotted on Sep 7, 2014
Submitted on Sep 27, 2014

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