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Helmut Gurnard

Dactyloptena orientalis


Has huge, round Pectoral fins. The fins are usually held against the body, but when threatened they can expand their wings (fins) to scare off a predator. The pelvic fins act like legs as the fish walks along the bottom of the ocean.


Found on shallow sandy bottoms near deep water

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annmarie.salem 12 years ago

thanks for the information. Now that I see the other images with the fins down I can see that it looks more like a fish!

LauraMaria 12 years ago

Whatsthatfish beat me to the punch, I was too busy trying to find a link to the same species! Definitely a gurnard, and a definitely a fish. A beautiful one at that :) Nice spot!!

Spotted by

Unguja Kusini, Tanzania

Spotted on Jun 10, 2010
Submitted on Feb 7, 2012

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