A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Histiotus velatus
Commun name:Tropical Big-eared Brown Bat. Nome popular: Morcego Orelhudo -This specimen was marked to study population estimation and Movements through the forest. -Espécime marcado para estudo de Estimativa de População.
-The specimen was captured on a mist-net in an area of "Araucaria Moist Forestsnear" near a a Pinus sp. plantation. -Espécime capturado em uma area de Floresta Ombrófila Mista perto de uma plantação de Pinus.
The tropical big-eared brown bat (Histiotus velatus), is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay
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Welcome to Project Noah, Levi Koch Beckhauser,
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