A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Doratifera vulnerans
Fifth instar small colorful larva with four projections at each end containing erectile stinging spines. Spines are rapidly everted when the insect notices a visitor. Relaxed spines on pic #4 There are two color forms; this is a red form; the grey form is seen here http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/919...
On Eucalyptus leaves.
Younger instars http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/888... and http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/884... Adult moth http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/796... . The last pic #6 is undergoing pupation. This pic was taken in the yard of Argybee and very well documented by him here. http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/983...
32 Comments (1–25)
Thanks bayucca and mayra. We saw several of these this season and each one was a delight, except the one that stung me.
Wow, so fascinating!!!
I've added a pic to this set of this species undergoing pupation. This pic (#6) was taken in the yard of Argybee and he has superbly documented the process here. http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/983...
Well done, Martin! : )
Thank you everyone, for your comments . Some insects confidently match nudibranchs, birds of paradise and flowers for showy displays. I used to envy scuba divers and birdwatchers but not any more. This caterpillar may say 'don't touch' but it also definitely says 'LOOK AT ME !!!'
Congratulations Martini!
congratulations, Martin!..beautiful series...
Amazing. Great to see a land manifestation of some sea slug. (-:
This is something very extraordinary, never seen anything like that.Fabulous.
Congratulations Martin!
Wonderful photo!
congratulations, Martin!
Great, Martin, a beautiful photo of a beautiful cat. Congratulations, my friend.
Fantastic! Well deserved SOTD!
.Well documented Martin. And another fine example of when nature says, "don't touch!".
Congratulations Martin ! - you deserve it and not just for your cup moth larvae...I agree with Yasser; you have made me see "moths" in a different light ( although they are mostly in my kitchen at night !!)
I hope to see one of these multi-coloured larvae soon.
Congratulations martin. It's an excellent set about a wonderful little creature.
Wonderful! I just looked at this the other day. You deserve this honor.
Beautiful creature and amazing photos!
Congratulations Martin! This stunning series has been selected as Spotting of the Day! Thanks for all your wonderful contributions!
"Here is the small and wildly colorful larva of the Mottled Cup Moth, with four projections at each end containing erectile stinging spines."
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One of the most colorful caterpillars that I have ever seen
Martin, check this:
I went back to photograph, and found it again.
Thanks for your commeeents. This must be our most colorful creature.
Amazing! Great picture. Learned something from your post! :3