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Sandhill Crane

Grus canadensis tabida


The greater sandhill crane stands about 1.2 meters (3.75 feet) tall with some variation. The bird is generally gray with a red patch of scaly skin on the forehead, dark gray legs and bill. Breeding adults often smear mud into their feathers, however, turning their normally gray plumage a rusty brown.


Wetlands and upland meadows and agricultural fields.


I was photographing sandhills during their southward migration. It was starting to get dark and I was packing up my gear, when I heard a flock on the other side of a row of trees calling as if they were taking off. I pulled the camera out of the pack and ratcheted up the ISO and snapped this photo as the emerged from above the trees.

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KarenL 12 years ago

Awesome pic!

Gordon Dietzman
Gordon Dietzman 12 years ago

I've had several people suggest to me that this looks like stylized Japanese or Chinese characters. They may have slightly better imaginations than I, but it's fun to have seen several people come to the same conclusion independent of each other.

Atul 12 years ago


Gordon Dietzman
Spotted by
Gordon Dietzman

Wisconsin, USA

Spotted on Oct 13, 2010
Submitted on Mar 2, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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