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Unnamed spotting

1 Species ID Suggestions

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Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

Agree with Eric...
Its called American Signature spider.

Apple 12 years ago

Most definitely an argiope and most definitely a female. But, I still believe it might actually be an Argiope catenulata not argentata.

Apple 12 years ago

Couldn't this also be an Argiope catenulata?

EricEllison 12 years ago


ClementDufour 12 years ago

well im having a hard time pinning this one down. Im glad you took a picture of the web. Those curly wiggly white lines in the web are characteristic of Orbweavers.

Spotted by

Christiansted, Virgin Islands of the United States, USA

Spotted on Mar 4, 2012
Submitted on Mar 5, 2012

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