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Adenium obesum Balf
Adenium obesum Balf is a deciduous succulent shrub or small tree, 0.5-3 m tall, the shape resembling a miniature baobab. Stems arise from a large underground rootstock. The bark is shiny grey to brown, with poisonous watery latex. For most of the year the plants do not have flowers or leaves. The leaves are up to 100 mm long, shiny green above and pale below, usually much broader towards the tip, and are carried in clusters at the growing tips of the branches. They are shed before flowering. The flowers are borne in terminal inflorescences, each flower 50-70 mm in diameter. They vary greatly in colour, usually with pointed white lobes, crinkly red margins and red stripes in the throat. Plants with pure white flowers are occasionally found. The flowers are sweetly scented. Flowering occurs from May to September. The fruit is usually paired, cylindrical follicles up to 240 mm long. The seeds are brown with a tuft of silky hairs.
These plants can be grown as houseplants and will grow best if moved outside during the summer. They need a temperature of at least 45º F. They should be grown in well-drained potting soil in a bright location. A slightly humid atmosphere is preferred. During the summer, plenty of water and fertilizer should be provided; while they are dormant in the winter, they should be kept fairly dry. Overwatering can quickly cause the roots to rot.
this Flower in thai call ''suanchom'' and my Grandmother name ''suanchom'' too and suanchom is all so the Symbol of my Village too
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