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Redlead Roundhead

Leratiomyces ceres


Reddish orange cap about two inches in diameter. Stalk about 1.5 inches high. Underside dark brown.


Eucalyptus forest with dense understory


Leratiomyces ceres, commonly known as the Redlead Roundhead, is mushroom which has a bright red to orange cap and dark purple-brown spore deposit. It is usually found growing gregariously on wood chips and is one of the most common and most distinctive mushrooms found in that habitat. It is also known as Stropharia aurantiaca, Hypholoma aurantiaca, Naematoloma aurantiaca, and a number of other synonyms. It is common in wood chips and lawns in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere.

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DonnaPomeroy 12 years ago

Thanks Alex. I appreciate the help.

AlexKonig 12 years ago

hi donna, i had looked and clive was faster and right. !!

DonnaPomeroy 12 years ago

Thank you Clive

Spotted by

San Mateo, California, USA

Spotted on Mar 7, 2012
Submitted on Mar 7, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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