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May beetles, June bugs, and June beetles



these bugs are abundant every evening this time of the yr

1 Species ID Suggestions

oxyjack 12 years ago
June Bug
Phyllophaga sp. Phyllophaga (genus)

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freelancing 12 years ago

Very nice close-up on the 1st pic!

You should consider joining the Beetles in Texas mission and adding this siting to the mission:

oxyjack 12 years ago

You're welcome!

SusanEllison 12 years ago

thanks oxyjack for the correct ID!

oxyjack 12 years ago

This is a male scarab beetle from the genus Phyllophaga. They fly around seeking females (often large groups of males looking for a single female). The female signals to them by releasing a pheromone, and the males (whose antennae's club-like ends open up into fan-like structures) detect the pheromone with their anntennae. It's usually easier to find the males than the females, as the females stay put and broadcast their signal, but the males are more obvious as they seek her out.

Spotted by

Houston, Texas, USA

Spotted on Mar 14, 2012
Submitted on Mar 14, 2012

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