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Orange Assassin Bug

Pselliopus barberi


Very small, maybe 1/4" long. I found it walking my patio.

1 Species ID Suggestions

catgrin 10 years ago
Orange Assassin Bug
Pselliopus barberi Orange Assassin Bug(?) - Pselliopus barberi - BugGuide.Net

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Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 10 years ago

Nice spotting by the way ! we don't get such bright colours here and I like the bands on legs too.

catgrin 10 years ago

You're welcome. This is an adult. When they're young, they have no wings.

Assassins fold the proboscis under so it doesn't show from above. I posted a side view of one which you can see the proboscis in.

JohnBrage 10 years ago

Is this a nymph? It doesn't have the long body of an adult and I don't see a proboscis. I also had another pic that I uploaded to this site that was id'ed as an assassin bug nymph but it looked very different. Thanks for the help.

JohnBrage 10 years ago

I didn't know they came in orange. Thanks.

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 10 years ago

That's a fascinating bug ! could you please give us some information about where you found it ( the kind of place), its size, etc. under "habitat" and "description" . Thanks.

catgrin 10 years ago

Some local info on these insects.

Spotted by

Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Spotted on Oct 26, 2014
Submitted on Oct 27, 2014

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Pselliopus nymph Assassin Bug Orange assassin bug Assassin bug (family)

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