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1 Species ID Suggestions

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 9 years ago
White Tree Snail
Noctepuna cerea Noctepuna cerea

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Ava T-B
Ava T-B 9 years ago

I've moved this snail from the Arthropod category to the Other category for you. Snails and slugs are Mollusks. Arthropods have an exoskeleton and jointed limbs in at least one phase of their life. Think dragonfly, bee, crab, and ant.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 9 years ago

Hi Jenny. Have made an ID suggestion. Can you tell me how large your spotting was? Although the shell on yours isn't completely white, it may only be a young specimen. The shape of the shell looks right though. Nice spotting.

Spotted by

Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Jan 11, 2014
Submitted on Oct 26, 2014

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