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Orange-clawed Fiddler Crab

Uca coarctata

1 Species ID Suggestions

catgrin 10 years ago
Orange-clawed Fiddler Crab
Uca coarctata Bad Request

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Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 10 years ago

Moved to the Arthropods category :-)

catgrin 10 years ago

You're welcome :) Glad I could help!

JennytheTurtle 10 years ago

Yep! It seems like the right ID. Well actually I saw these guys are the river part right next to the botanical gardens. So there is a mangrove forest.

Thanks for the ID!

catgrin 10 years ago

Your location (and the fact that I'm also on a shore) really helped me with this. If you haven't - go ahead and try the "Bad Request" link. It should take you to the Queensland Museum's page on the crabs. :)

Spotted by

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Jan 9, 2014
Submitted on Oct 26, 2014

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