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Stenolysmus extraneus
40mm long; 4 long clear wings forming a tent at rest; long orange striped abdomen (flexible); small orange head and thorax; orange legs with dark tibia; very long, fine antennae (28mm);
This one fell off a tree nto the leaf litter on a public bush walking track.
Thanks to all for the right direction on this ID - It was a long journey.
Wing venation... https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sha...
And on ALA...
and larval stages here https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Larv...
Ok the wing venation matches the Osmyloids.
Thanks again oxyjack et al.
Thanks oxyjack. I looked at the browns once. I'll go back over them with a fine tooth-comb.
I'm having difficulty believing how little there is to find in Aus on lacewings.
It has the wing be venation of a brown lacewing, Family Hemerobiidae.
beautiful wings !
It looks like a lacewing