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Thank you, Maria & Green Grace. Glad you liked the find/pics :)
Do you have a frontal view, if you can count 12 white spots on its back - thats what it most likely is in this part of the world!!
This is a white-eared bulbul, very common in the UAE.
Thx Nicole. I wonder too esp. after finding more of his species yesterday :)
This is Calotropis procera (Sodom's apple milkweed) indigenous to the Arabian Peninsula whereas Calotropis gigantea (Crown flower or giant milkweed) is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent.
Hi Nicole - Check out - http://www.birdsofsaudiarabia.com/2011/0... - Adesmia is a genus of beetles as well but Im unsure which species this one belongs to
It is - It's a Sidr tree (Ziziphus spina christi or Christ's thorn tree) from the same family as the Indian Jujube (Zizyphus zizyphus). It is native to the region.......
You should see the plain tiger caterpillars. Absolutely gorgeous and the primary reason whey the common name is plain tiger. You can find them feeding on the undersides of Calotropis procera plants (Sodom's apple milkweeds) from Kuwait onto UAE.... :)