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Alan H. C.

Alan H. C.

Biology student.

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AprilPerry GeoffreyPalmer
Alan H. C. urraca
urraca commented on by Alan H. C. Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico10 years ago

Me agrada cómo se sujeta a los picos. Como siempre, tuve la oportunidad de ver infinidad de polluelos que cayeron del nido al comenzar la primavera.
Buena foto. Saludos.

Alan H. C. Mexican Gray Squirrel
Mexican Gray Squirrel commented on by Alan H. C. Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico11 years ago

Yes, Geoffrey. Actually, this guys are quite abundant in this region, but, i am aware of noticing an increase in sightings of them, just like black bears (ursus americanus), if you are also interested . The location is 100% accurate. And, yes, comparing the photo with other ones on the net, i think it fits as to an eastern gray squirrel. Thank you very much. I'll gladly help you however i can. I'll see if i can get some more photos of these guys on the ongoing week, i'll mark the spots on a map and get sure to send them to you. Good luck with your population analysis.

Alan H. C. Percevejo‑do‑solo‑comum (Spilostethus pandurus)
Percevejo‑do‑solo‑comum (Spilostethus pandurus) commented on by Alan H. C. Algarve, Portugal12 years ago

Nice photo.

Alan H. C. Morning Glory
Morning Glory commented on by Alan H. C. Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico12 years ago

Gracias, harsuame.

Alan H. C. Damselfly
Damselfly commented on by Alan H. C. Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico12 years ago

Gracias, harsuame.

Alan H. C. Morning Glory
Morning Glory commented on by Alan H. C. Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico12 years ago

Thanks, Luis.

Alan H. C. Mexican Gray Squirrel
Mexican Gray Squirrel commented on by Alan H. C. Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico12 years ago

Thanks, Karen. Done.

Alan H. C. Stink Bug
Stink Bug commented on by Alan H. C. Mexico12 years ago

¡Muy buena foto!
Chinche, posiblemente en estado ninfa.

Alan H. C. Damselfly
Damselfly commented on by Alan H. C. Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico12 years ago


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