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Andreas Kay

Andreas Kay

Natural scientist exploring the biodiversity of Ecuador

Otavalo, Ecuador

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Scott Frazier AnnvanWijgerden KarenL Daniel-CR
Saturniidae27 Machi ForestDragon Ornithoptera80
Insect Eggs jgorneau 26 23 Insect Eggs
Peacock Fly Jakubko 98 97 Peacock Fly
Polyphemus Moth jgorneau 55 51 Polyphemus Moth
Spiny Oak Slug Moth (larva) Jakubko 40 45 Spiny Oak Slug Moth (larva)
Moth Daniel-CR 28 9 Moth
Glass winged butterfly Daniel-CR 45 17 Glass winged butterfly
Tussock Moth NuwanChathuranga 5 1 Tussock Moth
Hummingbird Hawk-moth bayucca 15 5 Hummingbird Hawk-moth
Snouted Tiger Moth AnnvanWijgerden 9 0 Snouted Tiger Moth
Unknown Leaf Miner Andrea Lim 16 5 Unknown Leaf Miner
Skipper Jason Alexander 7 3 Skipper
Shrub Vinca Jason Alexander 2 2 Shrub Vinca
Death's Head Hawk Moth Vijay Anand Ismavel 3 2 Death's Head Hawk Moth
Small Eyed Sphinx Moth SooJin 4 1 Small Eyed Sphinx Moth
Confused Haploa Moth Carol Snow Milne 3 1 Confused Haploa Moth
Luna Moth LisaPowers 2 0 Luna Moth
Fiddler Beetle TonyMarkham 12 2 Fiddler Beetle
Kaleidoscope moth HarumKoh 45 32 Kaleidoscope moth
Treehopper nymphs Sckel 48 35 Treehopper nymphs
Large Faun Vijay Anand Ismavel 40 12 Large Faun
Thorn Mimic Treehopper TicThapanya 8 5 Thorn Mimic Treehopper
Pellucid Hawk Moth TicThapanya 11 2 Pellucid Hawk Moth
Crambit moth TicThapanya 2 2 Crambit moth
Lantern bug TicThapanya 23 16 Lantern bug
Moth LaurenZarate 2 0 Moth
Guerin's Euclystis Moth LaurenZarate 2 2 Guerin's Euclystis Moth
Oleander Sphinx Moth LaurenZarate 7 6 Oleander Sphinx Moth
Oleander hawk moth dotun55 4 0 Oleander hawk moth
Calypso White dotun55 4 3 Calypso White
Geometrid moth Adarsha B S 42 36 Geometrid moth
Transvestite Rove Beetle LaurenZarate 7 6 Transvestite Rove Beetle
Keeled Tree Hopper LisaPowers 7 6 Keeled Tree Hopper
Speckled bush-cricket (nymph) KarenL 3 6 Speckled bush-cricket  (nymph)
Gelatin Slug Caterpillar Jason Alexander 8 2 Gelatin Slug Caterpillar
Ibague's Epidendrum Wilson W 11 4 Ibague's Epidendrum
Unnamed spotting ElaineWebb 8 2 Unnamed spotting
Weevil João Burini 13 1 Weevil
Wasp moth dotun55 26 9 Wasp moth
Harvestman João Burini 24 10 Harvestman
Purple salsify, Barba de cabra arlanda 19 3 Purple salsify, Barba de cabra
Vine Sphinx Moth LarryGraziano 57 47 Vine Sphinx Moth
Stink Bug Nymphs vipin.baliga 46 28 Stink Bug Nymphs
Beach Tortoise Beetle AndreaLim 26 11 Beach Tortoise Beetle
Elephant Weevil AndreaLim 26 20 Elephant Weevil
Fruit piercing moth AndreaLim 41 24 Fruit piercing moth
Two-spined spider (female) Andrea Lim 35 36 Two-spined spider (female)
African Daisy - Whirligig cultivar AndreaLim 41 21 African Daisy - Whirligig cultivar
Crimson Rose Butterfly Pam4 17 5 Crimson Rose Butterfly
Blue Mormon (female) pamsai 16 9 Blue Mormon (female)
Oleander Hawk Moth pamsai 21 15 Oleander Hawk Moth
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