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Andrew Mutton

Andrew Mutton

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HemaShah Taylor-Ashton Johnson
Andrew Mutton Female Spotted Pardalote
Female Spotted Pardalote commented on by Andrew Mutton Adelaide, South Australia, Australia13 years ago

I'd concur, juvenile female spotted pardalote

Andrew Mutton Female Spotted Pardalote
Female Spotted Pardalote commented on by Andrew Mutton Adelaide, South Australia, Australia13 years ago

That should read "or a species of Pardalote"

Andrew Mutton Female Spotted Pardalote
Female Spotted Pardalote commented on by Andrew Mutton Adelaide, South Australia, Australia13 years ago

I think it's a juvenile, did it sing? I can narrow it down to a Mistletoebird, a White-fronted Chat or a species or Pardalote.

Andrew Mutton Female Spotted Pardalote
Female Spotted Pardalote commented on by Andrew Mutton Adelaide, South Australia, Australia13 years ago

Not too sure, possibly a Mistletoebird? Did it have a red ass?

Andrew Mutton Maniacal Cackle Frog
Maniacal Cackle Frog commented on by Andrew Mutton New South Wales, Australia13 years ago

Depends on your definition of a maniacal cackle I guess, I found this site, which has a recording of its call.

Andrew Mutton Pomarine Jaeger
Pomarine Jaeger commented on by Andrew Mutton Mackay, Queensland, Australia13 years ago

Possibly a Tern or a Jaeger, If I had to take a guess, I'd say Pomarine Jaeger

Andrew Mutton Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Andrew Mutton Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA13 years ago

More information on the incident might help, was it in water?

Andrew Mutton Ten-lined June beetle
Ten-lined June beetle commented on by Andrew Mutton Odense, Syddanmark, Denmark13 years ago

Could be Polyphylla decemlineata, looks similar, native to the Americas though

Andrew Mutton Ten-lined June beetle
Ten-lined June beetle commented on by Andrew Mutton Odense, Syddanmark, Denmark13 years ago

It looks like a type of scarab

Andrew Mutton Maniacal Cackle Frog
Maniacal Cackle Frog commented on by Andrew Mutton New South Wales, Australia13 years ago

Thank you, Hope I can contribute

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