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Our house on a hill seems to attract a lot of visitors.... More photos here:

Antipolo, the Philippines; Lat: 14.60, Long: 121.14

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MatthewKritzer Manilie Sally Chuang HemantKumar
Dilan Chathuranga Lars G IrinaSh maplemoth662
AnnvanWijgerden Levant Hawk Moth
Levant Hawk Moth commented on by AnnvanWijgerden Quiapo, Metropolitan Manila, Philippines8 years ago

Thanks again venusflytrap! :)
We haven't seen another one of these for awhile either… :(

AnnvanWijgerden Siamese rhinoceros beetle (male)
Siamese rhinoceros beetle (male) commented on by AnnvanWijgerden Lat: 14.59 Lon: 121.188 years ago

Thanks venusflytrap! The Rhino Beetles are regular visitors. :)

AnnvanWijgerden Marimbondo-tatu
Marimbondo-tatu commented on by AnnvanWijgerden Lat: -25.58 Lon: -49.238 years ago

Amazing photos… Thanks for getting close enough to such a scary-but-beautiful creature!

AnnvanWijgerden Lymantriid Moth or Tussock Moth
Lymantriid Moth or Tussock Moth commented on by AnnvanWijgerden Quiapo, Metro Manila, Philippines8 years ago

Haha, thanks venusflytrap!
Yes, this was nearly 3 years ago… How I long to see another one. But not so many moths come visiting these days, as we have new neighbours - so we're not the only house anymore on this hillside attracting insects with our lights at night.

AnnvanWijgerden Common Tit butterfly
Common Tit butterfly commented on by AnnvanWijgerden Quiapo, Philippines8 years ago

Bayucca, I so appreciated your ID help and expertise 3 years ago - and appreciate it to this day!
Haha, the truth is I am already so happy getting the genus… let alone the species… let alone the subspecies!! :)

AnnvanWijgerden Common Tit butterfly
Common Tit butterfly commented on by AnnvanWijgerden Quiapo, Philippines8 years ago

Thanks for this ID correction Agnes!

AnnvanWijgerden Lascar Butterfly
Lascar Butterfly commented on by AnnvanWijgerden Antipolo, Rizal, Philippines8 years ago

Thanks so much for the ID correction Agnes! :)

AnnvanWijgerden Siamese rhinoceros beetle
Siamese rhinoceros beetle commented on by AnnvanWijgerden Antipolo, Rizal, Philippines8 years ago

Thanks Leanne & Sunnyjosef! :)

AnnvanWijgerden Siamese rhinoceros beetle
Siamese rhinoceros beetle commented on by AnnvanWijgerden Antipolo, Rizal, Philippines8 years ago

Thanks for your comments everyone!
These rhino beetles are wonderful creatures… Though they're TERRIBLE flyers, and are constantly crashing into things, landing on their backs with their legs waving pathetically in the air. So, one of my jobs, when they're around, is to help them back onto their feet again, haha :)

AnnvanWijgerden Siamese rhinoceros beetle
Siamese rhinoceros beetle commented on by AnnvanWijgerden Antipolo, Rizal, Philippines8 years ago

Thanks Jill! :)

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