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Azura Firdaus W

Azura Firdaus W

I am a child are very interested in nature from an early age and I want to be the savior of the world from pollution and global warming

cimahi tengah,west java,Indonesia

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Reza Hashemizadeh Marcelo Allende suprie ceherzog
yahyams Ismael Chaves siku VictoriaRisby
Cherry-spot AlthaSwiegersLiebenberg 51 34 Cherry-spot
Hooded Nudibranch AryaMansourzadeh 46 43 Hooded Nudibranch
Echidna martinl 31 20 Echidna
Sheetweb dwarf spider Maria dB 39 32 Sheetweb dwarf spider
Red-tailed hawk KarenL 5 3 Red-tailed hawk
Hawk Moth (caterpillar) HarumKoh 1 0 Hawk Moth (caterpillar)
Rough green snake ColbyWells 9 5 Rough green snake
Jellyfish Juan DiTrani 5 2 Jellyfish
Anemone Shrimp Juan DiTrani 1 1 Anemone Shrimp
Sunda Pangolin GemmaMarjaya 45 29 Sunda Pangolin
Spotted Owlet Atul 44 28 Spotted Owlet
Sambar Deer chimetsetan 1 1 Sambar Deer
Nilgai (Blue Bull) chimetsetan 3 2 Nilgai (Blue Bull)
Bonnet macaque anand 3 5 Bonnet macaque
Black-rumped Flameback chimetsetan 16 11 Black-rumped Flameback
Gloomy Octopus KerrynWood 54 33 Gloomy Octopus
Brachiopod Fossil Phil S 2 6 Brachiopod Fossil
Bivalvle Fossil Phil S 2 1 Bivalvle Fossil
Bengal Tiger Debbie Stewart 55 53 Bengal Tiger
Saltwater crocodile ManilieRodriguez 2 1 Saltwater crocodile
Parasa Moth LarryGraziano 5 25 Parasa Moth
Beetle LarryGraziano 3 0 Beetle
Green Sea turtle ChantelleLouiseGovier 6 9 Green Sea turtle
Mourning Dove Corey J 6 2 Mourning Dove
Zombie - Ant Fungus vipin.baliga 14 8 Zombie - Ant Fungus
Tropical pitcher plant Warm 2 4 Tropical pitcher plant
Tortoise beetle larvae JuanDiTrani 16 20 Tortoise beetle larvae
Great Horned Owl John Ehrenfeld 8 4 Great Horned Owl
Greater Flamingo Marie Cuenca 2 2 Greater Flamingo
Ocellaris Clownfish Marta RubioTexeira 122 56 Ocellaris Clownfish
Crested Caracara ceherzog 6 6 Crested Caracara
Hover Fly Jimena 4 1 Hover Fly
Variegated Fritillary ceherzog 5 2 Variegated Fritillary
Southern Red Bishop JohanHeyns 10 2 Southern Red Bishop
Mississippi Green Water Snake ZachT 4 2 Mississippi Green Water Snake
Yellow Bellied Water Snake ZachT 4 0 Yellow Bellied Water Snake
Broad-nosed Weevil RachaelB 2 0 Broad-nosed Weevil
Cave Salamander LisaPowers 94 50 Cave Salamander
Impatiens Hawk Moth Atul 12 17 Impatiens Hawk Moth
Tiger Moth IrungbamJatishworSingh 63 35 Tiger Moth
Carabao MarissaCuenca 3 5 Carabao
Yellow Warbler RaymundoSanchezTacsan 65 36 Yellow Warbler
Western Sand Wasp Reza Hashemizadeh 20 13 Western Sand Wasp
Western Tiger Swallowtail Reza Hashemizadeh 6 6 Western Tiger Swallowtail
Green Bottle Fly Leana Lahom-Cristobal 3 0 Green Bottle Fly
Psyche Leana Lahom-Cristobal 4 4 Psyche
Croker's Tiger Moth Christiane 10 9 Croker's Tiger Moth
Leopard AllysonWoodard 20 6 Leopard
Leopard JeffCrocombe 20 8 Leopard
Oleander Hawk-moth dandoucette 419 198 Oleander Hawk-moth
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