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Kyle A
BrendanMac Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by BrendanMac Maryland, USA9 years ago

Thank you so much for helping me! I will check them again soon and look at their underside.

BrendanMac Chicken of the woods
Chicken of the woods commented on by BrendanMac Maryland, USA10 years ago

What an awesome community. Thanks for identifying!

BrendanMac Hag Moth (Monkey Slug Caterpillar)
Hag Moth (Monkey Slug Caterpillar) commented on by BrendanMac Maryland, USA10 years ago

What an amazing caterpillar! Thanks for the information Forest!

BrendanMac Eastern Cicada Killer
Eastern Cicada Killer commented on by BrendanMac North Bethesda, Maryland, USA10 years ago

Thanks! They really are. There must be about 10 of them on a hill next to my office building

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