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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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Love with all kinds of animals and all living things...;-)

yogyakarta, Indonesia

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ReannaDee helene.bovy MitchRay DanielePralong
travellingchez rutasandinas iGo Sugiarto
Arthropods of Java
38 participants
1,203 spottings

Arthropods of Java

To document and help others identify the many creepy crawlies in Indonesia.

Reptiles and Amphibians of Java
13 participants
43 spottings

Reptiles and Amphibians of Java

This mission is dedicated to documenting the wide variety of reptiles and amphibians that are spread all over ...

Snakes of the World
1,964 participants
4,846 spottings

Snakes of the World

A mission to document the beautiful snakes species from around the world.

Plants of Ecuador
129 participants
2,694 spottings

Plants of Ecuador

Let's do a little documenting of plants!

Moths of the World
3,066 participants
41,580 spottings

Moths of the World

Moths? Yes: a world of sphinxes, hawks, owls, tigers, and scary eyes, all waiting for you outside your door. In ...

Butterflies & Moths of the World
8,546 participants
78,419 spottings

Butterflies & Moths of the World

Butterflies and Moths are insects of the order Lepidoptera. Their brilliant colors have inspired artistic ...

Global Dragonflies & Damselflies
4,948 participants
12,697 spottings

Global Dragonflies & Damselflies

Dragonflies and damselflies are agile insects of the order Odonata. With a worldwide distribution and over 5,000 ...

Reptiles of the World
1,159 participants
9,804 spottings

Reptiles of the World

To document reptiles found around the world.

Amphibians of the World
2,400 participants
7,500 spottings

Amphibians of the World

Lethal fungi, habitat loss, and predators have caused severe declines in amphibian populations around the world. ...

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