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Samuel Hartman GeoffreyPalmer ThatBlueEyedGirl ForestDragon
ThatBlueEyedGirl maplemoth662 ItsyBitsy
Marvelous Mantids of the World
382 participants
1,013 spottings

Marvelous Mantids of the World

Mantids are amazing insects! Unusual and alien looking. Considered good luck in some cultures, these predatory ...

Southeastern Fungi and Mold
13 participants
389 spottings

Southeastern Fungi and Mold

To document Fungi and Mold of the Southeastern US!

Insects of the Southeast
2 participants
34 spottings

Insects of the Southeast

Beetles, ants, millipedes, centipedes, etc. from the Southeastern US

Spiders of the Southeast
3 participants
24 spottings

Spiders of the Southeast

To discover species of spiders in southeastern america! Spiders are awesome, and they play an important role in ...

Backyard Birds of Northeast Georgia
1 participant
0 spottings

Backyard Birds of Northeast ...

To describe and identify birds that visit birdfeeders in Northeast Georgia

Moss & Moss Allies of Southeast USA
80 participants
100 spottings

Moss & Moss Allies of Southeast ...

Share your images of moss*** and moss allies ( i.e., mosses, sphagnum, peat, liverworts, hornworts) captured ...

Reptiles of the South East
141 participants
533 spottings

Reptiles of the South East

The main purpose of this mission is to have fun and enjoy what you are doing with reptiles and their habitat.

Mammals of the South Eastern United States
117 participants
247 spottings

Mammals of the South Eastern ...

In this mission we are searching for any mammals that are in captivity or in the wild.

Reptiles & Amphibians of the SE
35 participants
319 spottings

Reptiles & Amphibians of the SE

Identify and name the class and genus of each species. Must be found in the southeast of northern america ...

Reptiles and Amphibians of Georgia
78 participants
296 spottings

Reptiles and Amphibians of ...

Georgia is home to many amazing species of herps, and our goal is to document as many of them as we can.

Snakes of the United States - Center for Snake Conservation
1,457 participants
3,562 spottings

Snakes of the United States - ...

Snakes play vital roles as mid- to top-level predators in our natural ecosystems but they are often very ...

Project Squirrel
5,903 participants
3,855 spottings

Project Squirrel

Fox squirrels and grey squirrels are two of the most familiar species of wildlife in many neighborhoods and ...

Turtles of the Southeast U.S.
315 participants
670 spottings

Turtles of the Southeast U.S.

The Southeast has the highest diversity of turtles in the U.S. and is home to 75 percent of all native species ...

The Bug Chicks Sofa Safari
647 participants
7,117 spottings

The Bug Chicks Sofa Safari

We're partnering with Project Noah to make our adventure truly interactive. We want you to upload pictures of ...

Butterflies and Moths of Southeast USA
224 participants
2,397 spottings

Butterflies and Moths of ...

A mission dedicated to the recording of butterflies and moths in the Southeast USA.

Hostas of the Southeastern States
27 participants
17 spottings

Hostas of the Southeastern States

This is a local mission for NC, SC & GA only. (Edited by the Project Noah management team)

Intense Bees and Wasps of the SouthEastern US
12 participants
21 spottings

Intense Bees and Wasps of the ...

Bees are beneficial insects that pollinate many fruit and garden plants. Pollination is necessary for the ...

Wildlife of Georgia
236 participants
3,907 spottings

Wildlife of Georgia

This mission is all about getting to know more about the wildlife of Georgia! We here at Wildlife of Georgia would ...

Identifying Trees & Unique Plants in the SE, Season by Season
19 participants
158 spottings

Identifying Trees & Unique ...

Goal is for our kiddos to learn their trees by looking at the characteristics of the tree.

Backyard Birding Southeastern USA
477 participants
1,943 spottings

Backyard Birding Southeastern USA

This mission is for Backyard Birding in the Southeastern United States. It is for migratory birds, year-round ...

Backyard Birds of Northeast Georgia
1 participant
0 spottings

Backyard Birds of Northeast ...

To describe and identify birds that visit birdfeeders in Northeast Georgia

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