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GeoffreyPalmer ForestDragon ThatBlueEyedGirl Samuel Hartman
ItsyBitsy ThatBlueEyedGirl maplemoth662
ChristineRobbins Green Crab Spider on False Sunflower
Green Crab Spider on False Sunflower suggestion by ChristineRobbins Braselton, Georgia, USA10 years ago

Common name: Crab spider
Scientific name: macrocheira kaempferi

ChristineRobbins Squirrel Corn
Squirrel Corn suggestion by ChristineRobbins North Carolina, USA10 years ago

Common name: Bleeding heart
Scientific name: Lamprocapnos spectabilis
Wikipedia: Lamprocapnos

ChristineRobbins White-fronted Amazon
White-fronted Amazon suggestion by ChristineRobbins Guanacaste, Costa Rica10 years ago

Common name: Mitred conure
Scientific name: Aratinga mitrata
Wikipedia: List of Aratinga parakeets

ChristineRobbins Mourning dove
Mourning dove suggestion by ChristineRobbins New York, USA10 years ago

Common name: Mourning dove
Scientific name: Zenaida macroura

ChristineRobbins Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by ChristineRobbins Costa Rica10 years ago

Common name: Red bellied woodpecker (female)
Scientific name: Melanerpes carolinus

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