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Christy Chow

Christy Chow

a.k.a. Sequoia Spruce Environmental Sciences and Studies undergrad at SCU. Native Oregonian (and, therefore, wild at heart).

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Maria dB ChristyHolland LuckyLogan The MnMs
Bhushan Roy Arun maplemoth662 Tera2
Christy Chow Scarlet fritillary
Scarlet fritillary commented on by Christy Chow Oregon, USA7 years ago

Jellis-- it is a local wildflower. I would not post a garden flower on here. :)

Christy Chow Vivid Dancer
Vivid Dancer commented on by Christy Chow California, USA7 years ago

Thank you, Jellis!

Christy Chow Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Christy Chow Ashland, Oregon, USA8 years ago

Thank you, ForestDragon! Strangely, it looks exactly like the species which the guide claims is endemic to Catalina Island... Hmmm...

Christy Chow Moth Mullein
Moth Mullein commented on by Christy Chow Ashland, Oregon, USA9 years ago

Perhaps! Doesn't seem to be a wild native in that case, which makes me think it was a garden variety gone rogue!

Christy Chow Ring-necked snake
Ring-necked snake commented on by Christy Chow Los Altos, California, USA9 years ago

Aren't they?! My first snake spotting and it happened to be my favorite species-- and hatchlings, too, which made it all the more special and adorable!

Christy Chow California Newt
California Newt commented on by Christy Chow California, USA9 years ago

Thank you, Maria dB! :)

Christy Chow Yellow-spotted millipede
Yellow-spotted millipede commented on by Christy Chow California, USA9 years ago

Thank you so much, bayucca!

Christy Chow Surf scoter
Surf scoter commented on by Christy Chow Santa Cruz, California, USA9 years ago

Thank you so much, jamiewgoodspeed!

Christy Chow Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Christy Chow Los Altos, California, USA9 years ago

Sorry to have upset you with this post, in that case! Thanks for the ID regardless. :)

Christy Chow Bird's nest fungi
Bird's nest fungi commented on by Christy Chow California, USA9 years ago

Thank you, Maria dB!

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