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Captain Nature Crasher Maria dB


Crasher2 Forget me nots
Forget me nots commented on by Crasher2 Montana, USA4 years ago

Thanks ForestDragon for helping me correct my mistake. I have fixed my spotting now.

Crasher2 Goatsbeard
Goatsbeard commented on by Crasher2 Chester, Montana, USA4 years ago

This is an invasive species in Montana

Crasher2 Shamrock
Shamrock commented on by Crasher2 Cut Bank, Montana, USA4 years ago

This exact same plant is still alive 5 years later

Crasher2 Egg
Egg commented on by Crasher2 Montana, USA4 years ago

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I am the same guy as crasher but a bit older. I found this near a lake in Montana. In order to get down to the beach I had to go down a steep hill. I saw it on a little flat spot on the hill. I went through a bunch of plants to get it. Then I took it home and took this picture a year after I found it

Crasher2 Cow
Cow commented on by Crasher2 Cut Bank, Montana, USA4 years ago

Here is the Video to it

Crasher2 Betta
Betta commented on by Crasher2 Cut Bank, Montana, USA4 years ago

This fish was mine 4 years ago. His name was Ushin The Warrior. Pronounced YOU-SH-IN

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