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Crystal Simmons

Crystal Simmons

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Helena K freelancing williefromwi
williefromwi Nosferatuia Dixie
Crystal Simmons Blue Grosbeak
Blue Grosbeak commented on by Crystal Simmons Texas, USA11 years ago

Thank you:)

Crystal Simmons Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Ruby Throated Hummingbird commented on by Crystal Simmons Texas, USA11 years ago

Yes, I seen the first one in March:)

Crystal Simmons Loggerhead Shrike
Loggerhead Shrike commented on by Crystal Simmons Texas, USA11 years ago

Looks can be deceiving! They are known as the "Butcher Bird" :O

Crystal Simmons Brown Headed Cowbird
Brown Headed Cowbird commented on by Crystal Simmons Texas, USA11 years ago

We get a lot of them at our feeder too. They can clean them out fast!

Crystal Simmons Brown Headed Cowbird
Brown Headed Cowbird commented on by Crystal Simmons Texas, USA11 years ago

Thank you:)

Crystal Simmons Brown Headed Cowbird
Brown Headed Cowbird commented on by Crystal Simmons Texas, USA11 years ago

Thank you:)

Crystal Simmons Northern Cardinal (Female)
Northern Cardinal (Female) commented on by Crystal Simmons Texas, USA11 years ago

Oh no! I've got a lot of work to do then! I didn't put the scientific name on most if them:(

Crystal Simmons Northern Cardinal (Female)
Northern Cardinal (Female) commented on by Crystal Simmons Texas, USA11 years ago

Why does it need the scientific name?

Crystal Simmons Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron commented on by Crystal Simmons Port Arthur, Texas, USA11 years ago

Thank you:)

Crystal Simmons Polish Rooster
Polish Rooster commented on by Crystal Simmons Texas, USA11 years ago

Thank y'all!:)

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