A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Born UK, 27 yrs in Tanzania, now in Sonoran Desert. I lead wildlife tours to E Africa. I like mammals, birds, herps, arthropods & all else.
Tucson AZ USA
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Scientific name: Heterohyrax brucei
Encylopedia of Life: Pictures, Video & Audio of Yellow-spotted Rock Hyraxes (Heterohyrax) - Images, Photos, Movies & Sounds of Yellow-spotted Rock Hyraxes (Heterohyrax)
Common name: Western Blotched Leopard
Scientific name: Lachnoptera anticlia
Wikipedia: Lachnoptera anticlia
Common name: Gulf Fritillary
Scientific name: Agraulis vanillae
Encylopedia of Life: Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) - Information on Gulf Fritillary
Common name: Ruddy daggerwing
Scientific name: Marpesia petreus
Encylopedia of Life: Ruddy Daggerwing (Marpesia petreus) - Information on Ruddy Daggerwing
Common name: Flat-crown Buckwheat
Scientific name: Eriogonum deflexum
Encylopedia of Life: Pictures, Video & Audio of Flat-crown Buckwheat (Eriogonum deflexum) - Images, Photos, Movies & Sounds of Flat-crown Buckwheat (Eriogonum deflexum)
Common name: Serval
Scientific name: Leptailurus serval
Wikipedia: Serval
Common name: Large Tolype Moth
Scientific name: Tolype velleda
Common name: Common Whitetail
Scientific name: Plathemis lydia
Common name: Angel's trumpet
Scientific name: Brugmansia sp.
Wikipedia: Brugmansia
Common name: Wood sandpiper
Scientific name: Tringa glareola
Wikipedia: Wood sandpiper