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I have loved bird watching since I was eight. And I have always loved documenting nature. My "birding life list" is 206 as of 6/29/16.

Claremont, California

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Aisse Gaertner DanielePralong Atul beachbum732
mm3281323 flowntheloop KostasZontanos maplemoth662
Desmond.E.S.O Northern rough-winged swallow
Northern rough-winged swallow suggestion by Desmond.E.S.O Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada7 years ago

Common name: Northern rough-winged swallow
Scientific name: Stelgidopteryx serripennis
Wikipedia: Northern rough-winged swallow - Wikipedia

Desmond.E.S.O Hawk
Hawk suggestion by Desmond.E.S.O New Jersey, USA7 years ago

Common name: Red-tailed hawk
Scientific name: Buteo jamaicensis

Desmond.E.S.O San joaquin fence lizard
San joaquin fence lizard suggestion by Desmond.E.S.O Manteca, California, USA7 years ago

Common name: San joaquin fence lizard
Scientific name: Sceloporus occidentalis biseriatus

Desmond.E.S.O American Black Duck
American Black Duck suggestion by Desmond.E.S.O Candelero Abajo, Puerto Rico, USA7 years ago

Common name: Muscovy duck
Scientific name: Cairina moschata

Desmond.E.S.O Sora
Sora suggestion by Desmond.E.S.O La Mesa, California, USA7 years ago

Common name: Sora rail
Scientific name: Porzana carolina

Desmond.E.S.O Eurasian Widgeon
Eurasian Widgeon suggestion by Desmond.E.S.O Uttarakhand, India7 years ago

Common name: Eurasian wigeon
Scientific name: Anas penelope

Desmond.E.S.O Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk suggestion by Desmond.E.S.O Vermont, USA7 years ago

Common name: Red-tailed hawk
Scientific name: Buteo jamaicensis

Desmond.E.S.O Pigeon
Pigeon suggestion by Desmond.E.S.O Bowie, Maryland, USA7 years ago

Common name: Rock dove
Scientific name: Columba livia

Desmond.E.S.O Osprey
Osprey suggestion by Desmond.E.S.O Irvine, California, USA7 years ago

Common name: Osprey
Scientific name: Pandion haliaetus

Desmond.E.S.O Guillemot
Guillemot suggestion by Desmond.E.S.O Monterey, California, USA7 years ago

Common name: Pigeon guillemot
Scientific name: Cepphus columba

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